Online gallery
Searious Business launched the Rethinking Plastics Exhibition at Yksi Expo in collaboration with the Dutch Design Foundation, on World Oceans Day 2019. The collection of products and projects below are a result of a joint effort in discovering the latest designers using materials that matter and designing with purpose. The exhibition was live between 8 - 25 June, and has since been extended online to give the designers a more permanent spotlight and continue inspiring consumers, producers and industries to follow suit. Given the previous success, the exhibition is live again on display at Yksi Expo in Eindhoven during Dutch Design Week 2019 and from World Oceans Day 2020 (June 8). At the exhibition ‘Rethinking Plastic: design with a mission’, designers (selected from the gallery below) show how we can look at this maligned material differently or how we can deal with it in a different way.